As it's a feature of Unity itself, and not a game specific protection, it is included in UnityPy as well. The chinese version of Unity has its own inbuild option to encrypt AssetBundles/BundleFiles. Setting the decryption key for Unity CN's AssetBundle encryption It can also be used as a general template or as an importable tool. People with slightly advanced python skills should look at UnityPy/tools/ for a more advanced example. You probably have to read Important ClassesĪnd Important Object Types to understand how it works. splitext( dest)ĭest = dest + '.png' data.
# make sure that the dir of that path exists os. # create dest based on original path dest = os. # alternative way which keeps the original path for path, obj in env. splitext( dest)ĭest = dest + '.png' img = data. # make sure that the extension is correct # you probably only want to do so with images/textures dest, ext = os. # iterate over internal objects for obj in env. # load that file via UnityPy.load env = UnityPy. # iterate over all files in source folder for root, dirs, files in os. Import os import UnityPy def unpack_all_assets( source_folder : str, destination_folder : str):